Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) is temporary employment that is directly related to an F-1 student’s major area of study. Eligible students can apply to receive up to 12 months of OPT employment authorization after completing their academic studies.
NOTE #1: you must be absolutely certain that you are graduating in the semester that you are applying for OPT; if you are unsure if you will be graduating, then you need to wait and apply for OPT after the semester ends and grades are posted.
NOTE #2: you do not have to have a job offer to apply for OPT
NOTE #3: You must first consult with ISSS to obtain a new OPT I-20 BEFORE filing your OPT application online with USCIS
NOTE #4: You MUST also be sure to submit your online application to USCIS no later than 30 days from the date your OPT Requested I-20 was signed/issued, and prior to the end of your 60-day grace period following graduation, whichever is earlier. Failure to submit your documentation on time can result in a denial of your OPT Request; there is nothing that the ISSS Office can do to correct a denial notice.
An F-1 student is eligible for Post-Completion OPT if:
- They are absolutely certain that they are graduating in the semester that they are applying for OPT
- They are maintaining valid F-1 status at the time of application
- They have been lawfully enrolled in a university on a full-time basis for one full academic year
- They are physically present in the United States
- They intend to work or volunteer in a professional development opportunity directly related to their major field of study
- They have not used 365 days of full-time CPT
Students are able to file their OPT application up to 90 days prior to their graduation date, and up to 60 days after their completion date. ISSS advises students to apply as early as possible, as the application submission itself is time-sensitive, and the USCIS processing times are quite lengthy (minimum of 90 days). It is important to note that having a "HOLD" on your student account does not mean you can't apply for OPT.
To request Post-Completion OPT, please submit the following to
- OPT workshop grades
- OPT Request Form
The first step in applying for OPT is to complete the online OPT Workshop. You must obtain a score of 100% on the quizzes in order to complete the workshop. Once completed, please be sure to print out your grades.
Next, you will need to meet with your academic advisor to fill out an F-1 Optional Practical Training OPT Request Form. On this form, your advisor will confirm your graduation date and recommend you for employment authorization. This form will also ask you to choose a start date for your requested OPT period. This date can be no earlier than your graduation date, and no later than 60 days following graduation.
NOTE 1: The date you put on your OPT Request Form cannot be changed after you submit your form
NOTE 2: You must first consult with ISSS to obtain a new OPT I-20 BEFORE filing your OPT application online with USCIS
Processing Time
Once your OPT Request Form and Workshop grades are submitted, ISSS will then recommend you for OPT and provide you with an updated I-20 which will indicate that you are requesting OPT. Please allow 5-7 business days for processing. All requests are processed in the order they are received. Please plan accordingly.
Along with the I-20, you will receive a checklist with instruction on how to submit your OPT application to USCIS online.
Form I-765 is filed online. Online filing allows applicants to submit application documents electronically, pay the filing fee online, and receive an immediate receipt notice upon filing. Online applicants are also able to check the status of their case online, receive notices from USCIS online instead of wating for them in the mail, and respond to Requests for Evidence more quickly.
*Note: You must first consult with ISSS to obtain a new OPT I-20 BEFORE filing your OPT application online with USCIS. In addition, you should proceed with the online application process very carefully. The online system allows you to submit your application without all required evidence, which can lead to requests for evidence and additional difficulties. This means you must be very careful to ensure that everything is included before submitting the online application.
IMPORTANT: You MUST also be sure to submit your online application to USCIS no late than 30 days from the date your OPT Requested I-20 was signed/issued, and prior to the end of your 60-day grace period following graduation, whichever is earlier. Failure to submit your documentation on time can result in a denial of your OPT Request; there is nothing that the ISSS Office can do to correct a denial notice.
Steps for Completing the I-765 Application Online: the ISSS Office has created a Step-by-Step procedure to guide you through the application process; it can be found here.
- Create your Online USCIS account Be sure to notate the email address and password you are using to create your USCIS account.
- Gather the following documents:
- Digital 2x2 color passport photo that meets USCIS specifications. Photo requirements can be found online.
- Copy of your I-20 that includes an OPT recommendation (Please be sure to sign and date your new I-20 on page one before photocopying
- Copy of passport photo page
- Copy of visa
- Your most recent form I-94
- Copies of the front and back of any previous EAD cards (if applicable)
- Copies of any previous I-20s with CPT or OPT authorization (if applicable)
- A credit card to pay the online filing fee
- once you click on the Online Filing Fee website, you will see a lot of information. Click on "Our Fees"; click on "Fee Calculator". You will then "Select a Form for Fee Information"; scroll down to and the click on "I-765, Application for Employment Authorization". This action will bring up both the Paper Filing Fee and the Online Filing Fee (we highly encourage the Online Filing Fee)
- File Form I-765 online
- Complete the "Getting Started" and "About You" sections (For post-completion OPT, please be sure to choose Category (C) (3) (B)
- It is IMPORTANT that you provide a complete address as to where you want your documentation sent; if you live in an apartment, you must be sure to include your apartment number
- It is best that you use your email address for all correspondence and inquiries. Do not change your SEVIS address to a personal email account
- Upload the documents listed above in the "Evidence" section
- Review and digitally sign your application
- Pay the application fee
- once you click on the Online Filing Fee website, you will see a lot of information. Click on "Our Fees"; click on "Fee Calculator". You will then "Select a Form for Fee Information"; scroll down to and the click on "I-765, Application for Employment Authorization". This action will bring up both the Paper Filing Fee and the Online Filing Fee (we highly encourage the Online Filing Fee)
- Submit your OPT application
NOTE: it is essential that you spell your name and address correctly and that you enter any dates in the form of MM/DD/YYYY; always double-check your work.
USCIS will issue an online receipt notice as soon as you submit your OPT application packet. Please note that you must remain in the United States until a decision is made on your application. Once your OPT application has been submitted online, the adjudication can take several months.
The CIS (Customs & Immigration Services) Ombudsman has created this tip sheet on how to avoid getting locked out of your online account with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This tip sheet is intended for people with individual USCIS online accounts.
Premium Processing
USCIS has announced the availability of premium processing in some cases; please see that announcement here.
To request Premium Processing after you have filed your OPT application and received your filing receipt:
- Log into your USCIS account
- Go to My USCIS
- Go to My Account
- Choose "File a Form Online"
- Select the form you want (I-907)
- Read the information carefully and then click on "Start Form"
- Follow all on-screen instructions
NOTE: The current cost of Premium Processing can be found at here. You MUST be sure that you are looking at the correct fee on the chart; the fee you want is listed as "I-907 with Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization". Premium Processing guarantees an adjudication within 30 business days (this does not mean an approval; adjudication can mean a request for further information, an approval, or a denial).
If your OPT application is approved by USCIS, you will receive an Employment Authorization Document in the mail. This card, which is also referred to as the OPT card, authorizes you to work in your field of study for the duration of the dates listed on the card.
NOTE #1: if you receive an EAD card but it contains an error due to a USCIS error (example: typo in name or incorrect birthdate), you must return the original EAD card to get it corrected by USCIS; this correction can take 30-45 daus or longer. Follow the information titled Employment Authorization Document (EAD). Make a copy of your EAD card before sending it for correction.
NOTE #2: if you receive your EAD card but it contains an error that you madel you will be required to reapply for OPT and pay the application fees again.
In addition, SEVP will email you important account creation information regarding the SEVP Portal. The SEVP Portal is an important tool that allows students on OPT to meet their legal reporting requirements in a convenient online portal.
This is your responsibility
Once you receive your OPT card, please scan a copy to ISSS will then issue an updated I-20 which will state that your OPT request was approved.
You are required to report any changes of address or employment within 10 days of the change. All reporting must be submitted via the SEVP Portal. Once your portal account is updated, you will need to email to confirm these changes. ISSS will then issue an updated I-20, if necessary. The ISSS Office does not need a copy of your offer letter.
Please remember:
- OPT employment can be paid or unpaid; however, it must be related to your field of study and should require you to work a minimum of 20 hours per week
- Students on OPT can work as an Independent Contractor ONLY IF the position is related to your field of study
- Students on OPT may start a business and be self-employed; you must be able to prove that you have the proper business licenses and are actively engaged in a business that is directly related to your field of study
- You must not accumulate 90 days or more of unemployment; as SEVIS may terminate your record and you will have to leave the United States
- If you miss your 10 day reporting of any changes, you will not be able to update your SEVP Portal; please contact the ISSS Office for guidance
- Do not ever delete any employment information
The H-1B Cap-Gap Extension is available to students who are on approved OPT and have a pending or approved change-of-status for an H-1B. The Cap-Gap period falls between the end of a student’s F-1 OPT status and the beginning of their H-1B status. The cap gap extension allows for students on OPT to extend their employment authorization until they transition to the H-1B status on October 1st.
- Post-completion OPT is dependent upon employment. You should not accrue an aggregate of more than 90 days of unemployment during Post-Completion OPT.
- The date that you indicate on your OPT Request Form to start working cannot be changed once your form is submitted to the ISSS Office.
- NOTE: Travel signatures while on OPT are only valid for 6 months. If you would like to travel outside the United States after your OPT has been approved, you may do so. Prior to traveling, please check your I-20 to verify that your employment information is correct, and that you have a valid travel endorsement from a DSO. If you do not, you may make any employment changes in the SEVP Portal, and email for an updated travel endorsement. You should also carry a letter from your employer which indicates that they know that you are traveling and will be returning to the US to "resume" employment. If you need to renew your visa while on OPT, please remember that it is up the Embassy/Consulate to make the decision of renewal; it is not guaranteed.
- The CIS (Customs & Immigration Services) Ombudsman has created this tip sheet on how to avoid getting locked out of your online account with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This tip sheet is intended for people with individual USCIS online accounts.
- If you decide not to file your OPT application, or you decide to end your OPT period for any reason, you must notify ISSS by sending an email to
- Students are allowed to study part-time only while on OPT. If you receive an I-20 to start a new full-time program, your OPT will automatically terminate.
- Students who are on OPT are required to be covered by insurance. If your employer does not offer you insurance, you need to find your own insurance; a couple such companies are ISO Student Health Insurance ( and International Student Insurance ( DISCLAIMER: Florida Tech cannot recommend any insurance company to you and we have no further information on these two companies.
- If you are applying for OPT as a student who has completed their academic but still needs to complete any Comprehensive Exams, you must be sure to complete them and officially graduate in order to be eligible to apply for the STEM Extension.