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Travis Conradt

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Psychology

Undergraduate Program Chair | Psychology Undergraduate Programs

Contact Information
(321) 674-8122
Dan Dahle Building (Quad 405), Room 101

Personal Overview

Dr. Conradt is the Chair of the Psychology Undergraduate Programs and a core faculty member in the forensic psychology and psychology undergraduate degree programs at Florida Tech. His research and scholarship interests include children's eyewitness memory and suggestibility, child forensic interviewing, child maltreatment, and the education and training of child-protection professionals. Dr. Conradt heads the Child, Applied Memory, and Law (CAMaL) lab at Florida Tech, and his primary line of research examines how affect and other social, cognitive, and developmental factors influence children’s memory and suggestibility for witnessed events.

Dr. Conradt is the Director of the Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) Program at Florida Tech and is involved in efforts to further promote CAST curriculum and training throughout the state of Florida and nationally in collaboration with Zero Abuse Project. He also serves as Director of the Psychology Honors Program and has supervised student theses on a range of diverse topics, including victimization in FBI Indian Country, mindfulness and false memory, attitudes and perceptions of police, juror decision-making, and transgender prejudice. 

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Educational Background

B.A., Psychology and Philosophy; St. Norbert College (2008)

M.A., Experimental Psychology; University of Toledo (2011)

Ph.D., Experimental Psychology; University of Toledo (2013)

Current Courses

PSF 4551: Principles of Individual and Community Advocacy

PSF 4791: Critical Issues in Child Advocacy

PSY 3531: Child Psychology

PSY 3551: Intro to Child Advocacy

PSY 4514: Psychological Research Methods and Statistics 2

PSY 4701: Experiential Child Advocacy Studies Training Seminar 1

PSY 4702: Experiential Child Advocacy Studies Training Seminar 2

PSY 5116: Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior


Recent Courses

PSF 2551: Survey of Forensic Psychology

PSY 1400: Freshman Seminar

PSY 2512: Psychology Research Methods and Statistics I

PSY 3520: Memory

PSY 3522: Human Cognition


Selected Publications

Baker, J. N., Conradt, T. W., & Bennett, D. B. (2016). Moving past McMartin: Science-based practice considerations for interviewing children about sexual abuse. [Review of the book Forensic Interviews Regarding Child Sexual Abuse: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice by W. O’Donohue, and M. Fanetti (Eds.)]. PsycCRITIQUES, 61(21).

Conradt, T. W. (2016, January). Evaluating the use of therapy dogs in child abuse investigations: Establishing a research-supported program through practitioner-academic partnerships. AP-LS News, 21(1), 18–19.

London, K., Henry, L. A., Conradt, T., & Corser, R. (2013). Suggestibility and individual differences in typically developing and intellectually disabled children. In A. M. Ridley, F. Gabbert, & D. J. La Rooy (Eds.). Suggestibility in Legal Contexts: Psychological Research and Forensic Implications (pp. 129-148). Wiley-Blackwell.



Fredrickson, M. & Conradt, T. W. (2023, March). The impacts of a brief mindfulness induction on the recognition of neutral and negative DRM word lists. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the of the American Psychology-Law Society, Philadelphia, PA

DePietro, C. & Conradt, T. W. (2019, March). Eyewitness identification accuracy for the elimination with wild card lineup. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR.

Conradt, T. W., Jones, M., & Scholl, A. E. (2016, June). Sexual assault research in Indian Country: Indian Country sexual assault strategy project, Part II findings. Invited training session at Indian Country Leadership Summit, National Advocacy Center, Columbia, SC: Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, Department of Justice.

Capparelli, A. & Conradt, T. (2016, March). The effects of experimentally induced stress on false memory for emotional word lists. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Atlanta, GA.

Conradt, T. W., Otto, A., Burch, E., & Newton, K. (2015, March). Do Better Narratives for Emotional Events Protect Children from Misinformation in an Investigative Interview? Paper to be presented at annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Diego, CA

Conradt, T. W., & London, K. (2013, April). Effects of event valence on children’s suggestibility across development. Paper presented in symposium entitled “Emotions, Valence, and False Memories: Mechanisms and Consequences” at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Conradt, T. W., London, K., Metzoian, C., & Adams, B. (2013, April). Does children’s narrative ability predict differences in suggestibility for emotional events? Poster presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Poitras, K., London, K., & Conradt, T. W. (2013, April). Children’s suggestibility and mother’s questioning style: Mutual influences in mother-child conversation about a prior event. Poster presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Conradt, T. W. & London, K. (2012, March). Developmental shifts in children’s suggestibility for a happy or sad emotional event. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Conradt, T. W., London, K., & Bruck, M. (2011, March). Source monitoring of suggested event details in children with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presented at the 4th International Congress on Psychology and Law, Miami, FL.

Conradt, T. W., Ladd, N. E., Wright, D. B., & London, K. (2010, March). The relationship between memory conformity and social anxiety in adolescents and young adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, BC, CA.

Dr. Conradt is a certified Project FORECAST (Foundations for OutReach through Experiential Child Advocacy Studies Training) facilitator. This allows him to lead experiential problem-based learning simulation trainings of child maltreatment scenarios for child advocacy students and child-serving professionals. He has built Project FORECAST simulations into PSY 4701 and PSY 4702 courses for Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) students.

Additionally, Dr. Conradt has an extensive background and teaching experience in social science research methods and statistics and has served as campus system administrator for Sona System and Qualtrics. He regularly provides training, advisement, and consulting to students and faculty on effective study design, study implementation, and effective survey building in Qualtrics.   

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