Students in the Bisk College of Business lobby

Nathan Thor Rozea | Dr. Rozea's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Stages of Entrepreneurial Success: A Qualitative Study of Post-Soviet Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the United States

David James Ross
Dissertation: A Focus on Followers: Examining Relationships between Elements of the Leader-Follower Relationship from the Follower’s Perspective

Bruce William Rideout | Dr. Rideout's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Complexity Leadership Theory: The Influence of Enabling Leadership and Experiential Learning on Emergent Outcomes and Organizational Knowhow

Latoya Newell Burke | Dr. Burke's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Exploring the Role of Soft Skills Amongst African American Women Navigating Barriers to Achieving Corporate Leadership

Torin Mordel Malone | Dr. Malone's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Human Capital Advantage from Fortitude, Resilience, and Perseverance of Minority CEOs in STEM Organizations: A Phenomenological Study

Vineet Malhotra | Dr. Malhotra's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Managing Risks at Early-Stage Investment - An Information Asymmetry and Signaling Perspective

Maelyn Zweben Lessard | Dr. Lessard's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Organizational Culture During the Era of a Black Swan: A Phenomenological Examination of New Hire Sales Training Within a Medical Diagnostic Company

Kate Ashley Hill | Dr. Hill's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: High-Functioning Virtual Team Members & Quality of Work Life: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Subgroups, Performance, and Standard Occupational Classification Factors

Tryone Walston Gorrick | Dr. Gorrick's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices and Female Mechanical Engineer Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Social Capital

Eric Lawrence Demirjian | Dr. Demirjian's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: Artificial Intelligence Superteams & Augmentation Strategies: Increasing Performance of High-Functioning Virtual Team Members Via Human Machine Teaming Enhancements

Sarah Mary Christie | Dr. Christie's LinkedIn profile
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study Of The Impact Of Quality Management Practices On Data Integrity FDA-483 Observations Received By Pharmaceutical Manufacturers In Florida